Category: My Blog

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  • Category: My Blog

Permanent redirection in 4.0

We all need search engine optimization in our sites. With web 2.0 site its necessary that our site is search engine friendly because if i write this blog but nobody comes to read my blog then what is the worth of it. So for every thing we need to have search engine optimization whether its

Some important attributes in EFCodeFirst

In today’s post I am going to explain some of the important attributes in EFCodeFirst. Whey you do scaffolding with ASP.NET MVC this all attributes are where much important. So Let’s explore all the attributes. When you put this attribute in the class it tell that this property is part of the primary key and

Insert NUll in value datatype like int,float in C#

Some times we need to make some data type to null. Likein some cases like stored procedure in database.We can do it in C# very easily. by just putting ?sign in’ the definition like below: int? a; that’s it! you have created a value data type with null database. If you don’t supply a value

Get a Blog on WindowsClient.NET.

If you are serious windows developer and intersted in blogging then is a plateform to share your knowledge. You can create your blogs there. Microsoft has opened now for new bloggers. here is the link to signup blogs there.. Happy blogging…