Category: My Blog

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  • Category: My Blog

ILSpy-Alternative of .NET Reflector

Sometimes we need to have decomposer tool or reflector tool for our applications to improve the performance or to know the internals of the assembly we have created. I was using Red Gate .NET Reflector earlier for same as it was free. Now Red Gate has made that tool paid version so I was finding

C# 6.0–String Interpolation

This blog post is part of C# 6.0 Features Series. As we all know, C# 6.0 provides lots of small enhancements to the language and string interpolation is one of them. In this blog post we are going to learn how this small new feature can help us for string concatenation. So let’s take small

Why sometimes it’s not a good idea to use session variables in class library project.

As we all know web pages are stateless pages and we need to use session variables in web application to maintain some session over page. Some time we divide our application into multiple layers for example business logic layer,database layer etc. This all layers will be a class library projects. So when you have your

Extending jQuery with jQuery.Extend

We all know that jQuery is a great JavaScript framework. It’s provide lots of functionalities and most used framework in programming world. But sometimes we need a functionality that does not provided by jQuery by default. At that time we need to extend jQuery. We can extend jQuery with jQuery.Extend  Method. You can get complete