
Request format is unrecognized for URL unexpectedly ending exception in web service.

Recently I was getting error when I am calling web service using Java script. I searching on net and debugging I have found following things. Any web service support three kinds of protocol HttpGet,HttpPost and SOAP. In framework 1.0 it was enabled by default but after 1.0 framework it will not be enabled by default

My blogs posts are appearing on Microsoft TechEd

Its a great honor to be part of the Microsoft TechNet and TechEd community and i have found that my blog entries are also appearing on the TechNet sites. So thanks Microsoft and TechEd editors for considering my post in TechEd blogs. Here is link for TechEd blogs.

How Much Is Your Blog Worth?

I have found a great link that will calculate your blogs worth? How much cost you should take when you sell your blog to other peoples. Inspired by Tristan Louis’s research into the value of each link to Web logs Inc,Dan Carlon’s have created this little applet using Technorati’s API which computes and displays your

Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner- SQL server error solution

Before some days, I have copied one database from the one of server and restored it on my machine. The server was not having ‘sa’ user login and I was having the ‘sa’ user in my local machine. The database was restored perfectly with no problem but when I tried to create a database diagram