
ASP.NET 2.0 Folders

ASP.NET 2.0 allows us to create some folders via right clicking project. But lots of people are don’t know why we need to create that folder.Here are the description for the each folder in 2.0 that we have to create for diffrent purpose. App_Code: App_code folder contains the code files for the classes, structures,enums

ASP.NET Ajax Videos

Ajax is one of most hot and upcoming technologies for web developement plateform. Microsoft has launched its ajax development kit . With it you can easily create ajax enabled application with . With help it takes few mintues to convert existing application to ajax enabled application.Microsoft also lauched some tutorial and video

How to route events in a Windows Forms application

As a developer we often need to develop user controls in forms for the reusability. But some time we need to handle event of the user control. For example if you have user control with button we need to handle button click event in windows forms. We can develop this type of functionality with the

Question to Interviewers

Whenever we go for interview, after giving interview interviewer will explain you about their company. Here we are not prepare what type of question we need to ask about their company.I found a great link that explain about all this stuff. It gives a complete list of quesion that should be ask to is