Year: 2017

SelectMethod in ASP.NET 4.5 Model binding

New version of ASP.NET provides lots of way of binding data to the data controls like Grid View, Repeater etc. You can now bind this controls with strong type. I have earlier written a blog post about How we can use Model binding with ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012. In 4.5, It is

Redirection with ASP.Net friendly URLs

In this post we are going to see how we can use Response.Redirect(Redirecttion) in friendly URLs. Before some day I have written a post about ASP.NET Friendly URLs – Cleaner, SEO friendly URLs. On that post one reader ‘Ramesh’ asked me that how we can do redirection with ASP.Net friendly URLs. So this post

Increase Performance in application

For every enterprise level application the key to make that application success is the responsiveness of application. ASP.NET also offers great deal of the features for developing web based enterprise application but some times due to avoiding best practice to write application the performance of application performance of application is not so fast as it

Difference between int.Parse and Convert.ToInt32

I know this post sound basic to most of people but still lots of people does not know this. So I decided to post a blog post for this. Both int.Parse and Convert.ToInt32 are used to convert string into the integer but Only difference between them is to Convert.ToInt32 handle null and returns ‘0’ as