Year: 2017

Sending mail with Gmail Account using System.Net.Mail in ASP.NET

Any web application is in complete without mail functionality you should have to write send mail functionality. Like if there is shopping cart application for example then when a order created on the shopping cart you need to send an email to administrator of website for Order notification and for customer you need to send

Using transactions with LINQ-to-SQL

Today one of my colleague asked that how we can use transactions with the LINQ-to-SQL Classes when we use more then one entities updated at same time. It was a good question. Here is my answer for that.For ASP.NET 2.0 or higher version have a new class called TransactionScope which can be used to manage

Rounded corner div with HTML5 and CSS3

I have been recently playing with HTML5 and CSS3 and it is really fun. I am learning lots of new features of HTML5. Rounded corner is one of them. I thought it will be a good idea to share that with my readers. So In this post we are going to learn how we can

Unobtrusive validations in ASP.Net 4.5 Web Forms

With the release of ASP.Net 4.5 web forms there are tons of features added in the ASP.Net and Unobtrusive validations support is one of them. We have already seen that kind of validation in ASP.Net MVC and now we are going to have that in ASP.Net web forms. In this post I am going to