While developing a windows service using Linq-To-SQL i was in need of something that will intersect the two list and return a list with the result. After searching on net i have found three great use full operators in Linq Union,Except and Intersect. Here are explanation of each operator.
Union Operator: Union operator will combine elements of both entity and return result as third new entities.
Except Operator: Except operator will remove elements of first entities which elements are there in second entities and will return as third new entities.
Intersect Operator: As name suggest it will return common elements of both entities and return result as new entities.
Let’s take a simple console application as a example where i have used two string array and applied the three operator one by one and print the result using Console.Writeline. Here is the code for that.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string[] a = { "a", "b", "c", "d" }; string[] b = { "d","e","f","g"}; var UnResult = a.Union(b); Console.WriteLine("Union Result"); foreach (string s in UnResult) { Console.WriteLine(s); } var ExResult = a.Except(b); Console.WriteLine("Except Result"); foreach (string s in ExResult) { Console.WriteLine(s); } var InResult = a.Intersect(b); Console.WriteLine("Intersect Result"); foreach (string s in InResult) { Console.WriteLine(s); } Console.ReadLine(); } } }
Here is the output of console application as Expected.
Hope this will help you.. Stay tuned for more!!