We all need search engine optimization in our sites. With web 2.0 site its necessary that our site is search engine friendly because if i write this blog but nobody comes to read my blog then what is the worth of it. So for every thing we need to have search engine optimization whether its a blog,site or any thing on web.
For Search Engine Optimization one of the most important thing is the permanent redirection with 301 headers. Now all you say what is 301 headers lets explore this thing in greater details.
301 Header in SEO:
Every dot net programmer does comes along Response.Redirect – It will redirect from one page to another page which causes 302 redirect. For search engine optimization 302 redirection is document is temporary moved from one location to another location so it will keep indexing the other document as well from which we have redirected. In 301 header it will stop the response from older page. So that search engine can index new location permanently.
We can achieve this functionality in asp.net 4.0 directly with permanent redirect method. Like following. It will create 301 headers for search engines/
With the help of this now you can redirect your 302 pages to 301 which will be more search engine friendly then the older one.