I have been using Jetbrain’s resharper since last four years and it’s been my default Visual Studio plugin for visual studio. After this much of experience of resharper I must say if resharper is not there I would not have that much productive with visual studio. Working with it is a pleasure. I this post I am going to explain some cool resharper features. Resharper uses two keyboard schemes Visual Studio or Intelli IDEA scheme. In this post I am going to use Intelli IDEA scheme. The only difference between two key map scheme is keyboard shortcut. Some Visual Studio short cut will be override by Resharper.
It’s a magic key for resharper you can have any feature with ALT+ Enter whether its refactoring, code completion or anything. You can use ALT + Enter for anything. For example you have some name space un used and you want to remove namespace just press ALT + Enter and it will have popup like following.
Once you click on this and it will remove unused namespace. Same way I have a class called Student Repository and I have one private variable which I want to initialize with constructor then I just need to press ALT+ Enter on that line and it will open a popup like following.
Once you click on Initialize field from constructor(s) parameter and it will create a code like following.
This is an awesome feature of navigation. You can have either from resharper menu->Navigation GO to Type or you can have Ctrl + N short cut for intelli IDEA scheme. Once you click it will open a popup and whatever you type it find matching list of type and once you click on type you will be there.
This is also an awesome feature for finding usage of particular type or variable. You can right click any type and click on find usage or you have short cut key ALT + f7.
Once you click on Find Usage it will list all load all the find result and you click on any one and you can go to there file.
When you use Ctrl + Space it will suggest you the option to complete symbol and save lots of keyboard stroke.
With Ctrl + W you can select current type and again you press Ctrl + W it will select line and again you press Ctrl + W you can select method.
That’s it. This are some feature that I am using I will have more feature list in forth coming posts. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more.