Category: My Blog

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  • Category: My Blog

Replace line breaks in C#

In recent days I was working on a project want to replace \r\n to a new character but it was giving very strange behaviour. It was not replacing proper. Let’s create that scenario. I have written following code. using System; namespace WebApplication1 { public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs

General Error Class for ASP.NET

#Region “NameSpace”Imports System#End RegionNamespace Abc.ErrorPublic Class CustomError#Region “Declartion”Private Shared _errorno As IntegerPrivate Shared _errorname As IntegerPrivate Shared _errordescription As StringPrivate Shared _errorsource As String #End Region #Region “Properties”Public Shared Property ErroNo() As IntegerGetErroNo = _errornoEnd GetSet(ByVal Value As Integer)_errorno = ValueEnd SetEnd PropertyPublic Shared Property ErrorName() As StringGetErrorName = _errornameEnd GetSet(ByVal Value As String)_errorname =

Creating DJango application with Python in Visual Studio

In previous post I have written about creating a basic python application with visual studio. In this post we are going to learn how we can create a DJango application with Python in Visual Studio with the help of python tools for Visual Studio. As per wikipedia, DJango is a free open source web application

Introduction to XAML

Microsoft has provided new extensible markup language called XAML(Extensible Application Markup Language ) with .net framework 3.0. XAML is used to define dynamic or static user interfaces of C# or VB.NET . XAML will be used in Windows Vista to design user interfaces, but can be applied to Windows XP or Windows 2003 as well.