Category: My Blog

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  • Category: My Blog

what is serialization -deserialization

Serialization is the process of storing class object into the some otherstate may be a file or file or something like else.Object Serialization is the process of reducing the objects instance intoa format that can either be stored to disk or transported over a Network. Later time the Object will changed into its original state

How to convert a list into array with Linq

In this post, I am going to explain how we can convert an generic list to simple int array with Help of Linq. Recently, I was working on an application and there I needed an Int array of for list of ids in generic list. I tried various methods and then with the help of

Video – Difference between var and dynamic keyword C#

I have recently produced one video about difference between var and dynamic keyword. Please go through it and let me know how it was. You can find complete video at following URL. Hope you like it. Stay tuned for more!.

My favorite Visual Studio code extension for Angular 2 Development

I have been using Visual Studio Code for quite a good amount time and I am loving it as a code editor. Recently I have started using it as my development editor for Angular 2 as it has recommended by the Angular 2 development team also. There are quite a few good extensions available in