Category: My Blog

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  • Category: My Blog

Predicate delegate in C#

I am writing few post on different type of delegates and this post also will be part of it. In this post I am going to write about Predicate delegate which is available from C# 2.0. Following is list of post that I have written about delegates. As per MSDN predicate delegate is a pointer

Where I can find SQL generated by Linq-To-SQL

Yesterday I have written a blog post about Where I can find SQL Generated by Entity Framework? and same day I got request from one of the our reader Ramesh that how I can find SQL generated by Linq-To-SQL?. I thought its a good idea to write a blog post to share amongst all who

Subsonic 3.0 is out now- Next Generation Object Relational Mapper

There lots of ORM(Object Relational Mapper) is available now like entity framework,nhibernate, linq, dlinq but i choose subsonic 3.0 for my next application which will be a question answer site for the following reason Now subsonic 3.0 is with linq support so you can write your lambda expression and linq queries along with the subsonic

Creating ASP.NET 2.0 Website with Web 2.0 Standards

Web 2.0 is used mostly today because it provides great compatibility with most of the browsers. So that a website can reach maximum audience. That’s why the web 2.0 used the div tags rather then the other html standards. An ASP.NET site also can be build by this standards. Stephen Walther has written great article