Category: My Blog

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  • Category: My Blog

Static vs Singleton in C# (Difference between Singleton and Static)

Recently I have came across a question what is the difference between Static and Singleton classes. So I thought it will be a good idea to share blog post about it. A singleton classes allowed to create a only single instance or particular class. That instance can be treated as normal object. You can pass

Breaking changes in Silverlight 1.0

Silverlight is day by day becoming more and more advance. I have found a great link that describes what’s drastic changes in silverlight 1.0 then older versions like mix.Mr. Joe Stegman’s have point out this things in his blog. Here is the link for that blog.

C#.NET Coding Industry Standards.

Lots of people are creating and devleoping the application using Microsoft.NET plateform but still don’t know the right way to code it. Here is the link for .NET Coding Standards that a developer must following while developing application.

Agile Software Development

Agile software development is a concept of a software engineering for quick software development. As a software development process is combination of many phases like requirement analysis and gathering, feasibility study, design,coding and testing and documentation. In agile software development We follow all the above things in agile development with each iteration. Software development prorities