Category: My Blog

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  • Category: My Blog

ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta 2 & the 1st Entity Framework Tools CTP Released

Microsoft has recently release ADO.NET Entity Framework Beta 2 and the accompanying Entity Framework Tools CTP have been released!Following are the added features of latest release: -Events to customize code generation -Abstract types in EDM models-Complex types – support in metadata files-Entity key serialization-Increased persistence ignorance in entity data classes -Improved connection management in ObjectContext

Silverlight resouces articles and links.

Microsoft Silverlight is one of the hottest technology that ever produce on web. It is a Microsoft answers to macro media flash and action script. You can develope rich web user interace and dashing site with the use of Microsoft silver light and I have found a great link that contains lots of silverlight

New version of CSS Friendly control adapters for

As a developer we all love css (Cascading style sheet). Microsoft has significantly updated his css friendly control adapters kit. The key is to use something that may be new to you: control adapters. These are little chunks of logic that you add to your web site to effectively “adapt” an ASP.NET control to render

How to market your blog

A blog is a great platform to give your opinion and discuss your life with others. If you are a great blogger and you are writing posts about everything but nobody is visiting your blog then it is worthless. So you have to market your blog.There is lots of way to market your blog. I