
how to take a thumnail of a website with 2.0

Have you visited http://www.snap.comIt is a search engine with the snaps(thumbnail of the sites). It is a very unique .As .NET Developer we all like to find the way how we can take real time thumbnails of the website. I have searched a lot and i have found a great article on is the

Setting up development environment for ASP.NET 5(vNext) on Ubuntu

I am really enjoying working on Ubuntu. In previous post, We have learn how to install Sublime Text and in this blog post we are going to learn how we can setup development environment for ASP.NET 5(vNext). So what we are waiting for let’s go. Note: First thing you need to make sure that Python

Search Engine Optimization tools

Search Engine Optmization is one of the hottest things in this days. I have found great tool that will help you to opmize your sites. First one is market leap which contains three tools 1) Link popularity toolLink popularity check is one of the best ways to quantifiably and independently measure your website’s online awareness

Comparision of Ajax Framework for ASP.NET 1.1

I have found a great article which compare a lot of framework in for Ajax .It includes following frameworks. Frameworks included in comparison are: ComfortASP.NET V0.65 (beta) MagicAJAX.NET V0.3.0 ZumiPage V2.10 ATLAS CTP July 2006 OutPost V1.4 FastPage V2.0 Telerik r.a.d. ajax V1.03 (+Hotfix) Anthem Panel V1.3. It compares on the following basis… General Integration