
ASP.NET Search Engine Optimization Keywords

Here are the some keyword for which can be used for search engine optimization for your site. ASP Web technology, Microsoft asp,, vbscript, .net, array, validation code, request.servervariables, server.mappath, xmlhttp, sql injection, datagrid paging, microsoft.xmlhttp, sql case, stored procedure, asp/ date functions, interview questions, microsoft interview questions, vbscript

Bill Gets -Retired

Micorsoft Co-Founder and Chairman bill gates announced that he retired from his day to day role and and his position from Microsoft till 2008 and will concentrate his charity work Bill and Melinda Foundation His Role in software company will be slowly step down day by day.After Bill Gates Steve Blamer takes charge of the

Parallel for loop in C# 4.0

Now days we are getting our computer equipped with more and more power even now we are getting quad core processor is also at lower price. Since we have multicore processors are now so we can take advantages of multicore processor with parallel execution in C# 4.0. There are some time consuming task for the

Sending mail with secure service layer in 3.5/2.0

In earlier post i have mentioned that how to send the email using new System.Net.Smtpmail with 2.0 or higher version. Now lets learn how to send the mail with the secure service layer in the Security is the one of the most important requirement in today’s world as you are doing your business