
ASP.NET White Papers

In new version of Microsoft site Microsoft has launched the white papers which will help us to install and configure in our computers. It contains white papers with following different categories.. ASP.NET Security White papers Forms Authentication User Input Data Validation Code Access Security Communications Security Cryptography Installation and Setup White papers

Entity Framework Internals: Private setters and private constructors

I have been heavily learning Domain Driven Design recently and In that there is a concept called “Anemic Domain Model” which we used to use in our project. In simple terms Anemic Domain Models are those classes that do not have any behaviour with them and most of created with properties. You can use them

Fun with Angela Smith library by James Chambers for C#

AngelaSmith is an awesome library created by James Chambers. This library is used to generate realistic test data. You can find more information about it from the following link. As per documentation on the github, it is. AngelaSmith is a library you can use to generate realistic test data. It is composed of several

Saving line break in multiline textbox ASP.NET 1.1

Many time it happens with the multi line text box that it does not save the line break and another things in the text box. I have found a great way to do this..You can replace the line break with the string replace function for example your text box nameif you want to assign text