
NuGet with multiple projects part-2

Before some days I have posted one post about how we can add NuGet package other than start project. In this post I am going to explain another way of doing that. Earlier we have use ‘Manage NuGet Package’. Today I am going to use Package Manager Console for that. So let’s take same example

Starting Point of auto number fields in Microsoft Access

Auto Number Field handy things in Microsoft access.It willautomatically increase the filed value as records are inserted. Developer don’t have to care for it. By default auto number field start with the zero but sometimes we required to start auto number with rather than zero.We can do it by creating the append query. Followingare the

Delete all cookies and session in

Cookies are one of most important features of web application. From where we store little information on client side in one of my project we need to delete all cookies and as you can not delete cookies from server side so we have to expire them manually. Here is the code for that. string[] myCookies

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