Author: admin

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  • Author: admin

My blog post is in Microsft TechEd Online Editors Pick List

Microsoft TechEd online is a great community and always been best to learn new thing. I have been proud of associating my self with great community. It’s a great thing to get acknowledgement from community. Recently one of my blog post-Sending email through System.Net.Mail.Smtpmail in 3.5/2.0 got place in Microsoft Teched editors pick list.

Code Navigation features in Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is an open source, free, Cross-platform editor and I have been using it now more than the year. I just simply loved this editor. It’s a got lot of feature and there are some cool navigation features there. In this blog post, we are going to explore those navigation features. If you

ReCaptcha in ASP.NET MVC3

As a web developer we know what is captcha is. It’s way to confirm users as they are human.Following is captcha definition per WikiPedia. A CAPTCHA ( /ˈkæptʃə/) is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person. The process usually involves one

ASP.NET Web API Basics

We have seen that now web is really becoming cross plate form and you can see your services or API can be exposed to any client. Till now one of big challenges is to choose platform for this kind of service. There are so many options available like web services, WCF services,Generic Handlers, directly writing