Author: admin

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  • Author: admin

Distinct operator in Linq

Linq operator provides great flexibility and easy way of coding. Let’s again take one more example of distinct operator. As name suggest it will find the distinct elements from IEnumerable. Let’s take an example of array in console application and then we will again print array to see is it working or not. Below is

Structure and Operator overloading in C#

Recently I have been playing with structure and It’s fun. In this blog post we are going to learn how we can use operator overloading with structure in C#.  You can find my blog post that I have already written about structure  at following location. Structure in C# Structure with constructor in C# Structure with

Fluent Nhibernate : Create Table from Code(Class- CodeFirst)

Now days,  Convention over configured is more preferred and that’s why Fluent Nhibernate got more popularity Because with Fluent Nhibernate we don’t have to write and maintain mapping in xml. You can write classes to map your domain objects to your database tables. If you want to learn how we can do this with existing

A Better Solution to create PDF with Rotativa and ASP.NET MVC

In most of the line of business application we need some kind of reports. Now days we need those reports as PDF format as it is the most convenient way of storing documents. I have written a post about creating a PDF in ASP.NET MVC with Razor PDF and it is one of the top