Author: admin

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  • Author: admin

ASP.NET 5(vNext) on Ubuntu 14.4(Linux)

As we all know Microsoft has recently launched ASP.NET 5 and Microsoft has made announcement that it will work on any version of Linux and OSx. So in this post we are going to learn how we can use ASP.NET 5 on Ubuntu. As I don’t have spare computer where I can install Ubuntu so

NuGet Version 1.2 released

Someday ago Phil Haack from Microsoft has released the newer version of Nuget. There will be new exe for the newer version of the NuGet. Those who does not know about NuGet please visit my earlier post about NuGet Followings are some new features of NuGet 1.2. Framework profile support Automatically add binary redirects Specifying

Migrating to 2.0 videos

Microsoft team and and has launched a new web cast series about migrating from other languages to 2.0. It’s contains following web casts; Migrating to 2.0 (2 web casts) Migrating from asp to 2.0 Migrating from jsp to 2.0 Migrating from coldfustion to 2.0( 2 web casts) Using

Assembly Neutral Interface in ASP.NET 5(vNext)

CodeProject Recently Microsoft has open sourced it’s entire ASP.NET next version stack on GitHub and I have been closely watching this for a quite a some time to understand how they have created architecture of it and how they organize everything in such a large stack. I have seen  [AssemblyNeutral] attribute in few of interfaces