Author: admin

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  • Author: admin

C#.NET Coding Industry Standards.

Lots of people are creating and devleoping the application using Microsoft.NET plateform but still don’t know the right way to code it. Here is the link for .NET Coding Standards that a developer must following while developing application.

How to set default value of a property in Class-C# 2.0

Posted by jalpesh vadgama |  March 01, 2007 |  C#.NET |  4 comments    If you wanna set properties default value at the time of Class Instance creationg here is code that. Import following name space to your class with using directives. using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.ComponentModel; Then create a private variable field for property private string

How to create overload methods in WCF service with C#

Before some days I have posted an blog about How to create overloaded web methods in web service? In this post I am going to explain how we can create overload methods in WCF(Windows Communication Foundation) service with C# language. So let’s consider same Hello world example which we have used web service overload

Range Operator in Linq.

Linq is almost providing all the functionalities and i have found one another great operator called range operator which will return a sequence of integer number from start point to number of count. Here is the signature of range operator in Linq. public static IEnumerable Range(int start, int count) Here the Start means the starting