string.format escape sequence in c#

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Recently I was working on something and I need to put a curly bracket on the string with a string.format function but I was not aware how to to do it. So I did some search on internet and found how to give escape sequence in string.format. Suppose You need to put curly bracket then you have write two ‘{{‘ instead of { to put ‘{‘ and same way ‘}}’ to put ‘}’ Let’s take simple example. Following is a code where I am printing simple string with string.format and Response.Write.

using System;
using System.Web.UI;

namespace CallBack
    public partial class Index : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Response.Write( string.Format(@"{{ escape sequence for string format from {0}}}", "DotNetJalps"));


Now let’s run that example in browser and let’s see how it goes.

That’s it. It’s very easy to use.Hope you liked it. Stay tuned for more..Happy Programming.