Month: June 2024

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  • Month: June 2024

.NET Framework Source Code Available

Have you ever think that you can view the source code available for .net framework. If you have dream of it, this is the time to come it true. Microsoft has just released the source code to debug.I have found a great post that how to debug the cod the .net framework.Here is the link

Object Oriented Interview Question Part 1- Benefits Of Inheritance

Following are the benefits of the inheritance… Through inheritance we can eliminate the redundant code and extend the user of the existing classes. We can build program from the standard working modules that can communicate with the one another rather then having start writing code from beginning. It is possible to have multiple instances of

How to consume ASP.NET WebAPI from jQuery

Before some months Microsoft has launched WebAPI framework for building and consuming HTTP services. This WebAPI can be called from anything like from mobile sites to JavaScript anything. I thought it will be a good idea to call a WebAPI from jQuery. In this post I am going to explain how to consume ASP.NET WebAPI

Maximum for objects in sql server

Here are some maximum number of different objects in sql server. maximum number of character in table name-128 maximum number of character in column name-128 maximum number of table columns per select statement -4096 maximum number of table columns per table-1024 maximum number of foreign key reference per table-253 maximum number of column per index-16