Month: June 2024

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  • Month: June 2024

How to hide title bar in jQuery UI modal dialog?

jQuery UI is a great open source set of user controls and it’s very easy to use. Recently one of my friend asked question that how we can hide title bar in jQuery UI Dialog? so this post is a reply to him. Let’s create a simple html and use jQuery Ui modal dialog. Following

Replace line breaks in C#

In recent days I was working on a project want to replace \r\n to a new character but it was giving very strange behaviour. It was not replacing proper. Let’s create that scenario. I have written following code. using System; namespace WebApplication1 { public partial class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs

General Error Class for ASP.NET

#Region “NameSpace”Imports System#End RegionNamespace Abc.ErrorPublic Class CustomError#Region “Declartion”Private Shared _errorno As IntegerPrivate Shared _errorname As IntegerPrivate Shared _errordescription As StringPrivate Shared _errorsource As String #End Region #Region “Properties”Public Shared Property ErroNo() As IntegerGetErroNo = _errornoEnd GetSet(ByVal Value As Integer)_errorno = ValueEnd SetEnd PropertyPublic Shared Property ErrorName() As StringGetErrorName = _errornameEnd GetSet(ByVal Value As String)_errorname =

Creating DJango application with Python in Visual Studio

In previous post I have written about creating a basic python application with visual studio. In this post we are going to learn how we can create a DJango application with Python in Visual Studio with the help of python tools for Visual Studio. As per wikipedia, DJango is a free open source web application