Month: June 2024

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  • Month: June 2024

Great Developer Resources.

As a web developer we all face the some problems related to web development, because web development far different then the windows development. I have found great link which will contain 99 problem that a web developer can face. It also contains great links to solve the is the link for that article..

Getting started with ELMAH and ASP.NET MVC

We all need a framework to log exceptions in our web application. Today, We are going to learn about same. ELMAH(Error Logging Modules and Handlers) is an application wide error logging framework. How we can install it in ASP.NET MVC. ELMAH(Error logging Modules and Handlers) is an application wide error logging facility that is an

Enum.HasFlag method in C# 4.0

Enums in dot net programming is a great facility and we all used it to increase code readability. In earlier version of .NET framework we don’t have any method anything that will check whether a value is assigned to it or not. In C# 4.0 we have new static method called HasFlag which will check

Access Modifier in .net class

Following are the access modifier in class of .net framework. 1. Public Allow access to class member from any other class. 2. Private Allow access to class member from same class only. 3. Protected Allow access to class member from same class and inherited classes. 4. Internal Allow access to the class member in same