Year: 2017

Why C# does not support multiple inheritance?

Yesterday, One of my friends, Dharmendra ask me why C# does not support multiple inheritance. This is the question most of the people ask every time. So I thought it will be good to write a blog post about it. So why it does not support multiple inheritance? I tried to dig into the problem

Compile time view checking for ASP.NET MVC.

While developing an ASP.NET MVC application, you need to create lots of views. At that time it does not compile the view. So if you have some typo in your view like namespace or any where you will get to know when you load that view in browser. At that time ASP.NET Complier will compile

What is the diffrence between abstract(must inherit) class and inteface

Following are the main difference between abstract class and interface.1. Abstract class can contain abstract method while interface does not. 2. Abstract class can contain method body while interface does not. 3. Methods in abstract class can contain any valid access specifier while in interface public access specifier is only allowed.4. Abstract class can contain

First Indian Website with microsoft silverlight

I was watching techmela program in CNBC and i found indian companies are also started to develop website with the Microsoft Silver light technology. You all are eager to know that which company is doing this. Yashraj films has developed site with Microsoft silver light. here is link for that site.