Month: July 2017

  • Blog
  • Month: July 2017

Blog post selected as ASP.NET MVC Official Additional Learning Resources

I have got news before few days that my blog post about CDN is ASP.NET MVC bundling selected as Additional Resources for learning about ASP.NET MVC on official ASP.NET Site. On this occasion I would like to thank my audience and my family to supporting me. Thank you all without you it would not have

Visual Studio 14 CTP virtual machine on Azure

Recently Microsoft has release a CTP version of Visual Studio 14 with ASP.NET VNext application. So I thought I will download and try it. But due to bad internet connection it was not downloading properly. Then I cam across following post about Visual Studio 14 CTP Virtual Machine on Azure. So I thought it’s

CRUD Operation with ASP.NET MVC and Fluent Nhibernate.

Before some time I have written a post about Getting Started with Nhibernate and ASP.NET MVC –CRUD operations. It’s one of the most popular post blog post on my blog. I get lots of questions via email and other medium why you are not writing a post about Fluent Nhibernate and ASP.NET MVC. So I

Continuous integration with and TFS

CodeProject As a developer, we all are using some kind of source control provider to maintain versions of our source code.  But another aspects of source control to is to make sure that code committed in source code repositories are  perfect and it will not break the build of particular software. That’s why Continuous integration